European Studies Undergraduate Course: How to apply ?

Who may apply ?


Our European Studies course is a 3-year programme for undergraduates (equivalent to a BA level). Any High school student preparing the French Baccalaureate, or its equivalent; or any student who has passed the baccalaureate or its equivalent may apply.

Applicants who are already in higher education (degree courses or classes préparatoires) may also apply if they wish to change their course of study. However, they are not given priority.

Due to the large number of applications, admission policy is based on:

  • High School school records : the full 11th and 12th Grades records with comments from the teachers must be provided;
  • A covering letter setting out the applicant's profile and personal motivations
  • A certification of C1 level in French (as most of the courses are taught in French)

All documents must be translated into French or English. European applicants are most welcome!


In addition to an excellent school record, the students must show a genuine interest in current debates, in European issues and in understanding the culture of other regions and countries.


Certain prerequisites are compulsory to enter the European Studies course. Therefore, applicants must go through an admission procedure and in some cases, an interview with prospective students may be scheduled.
The French "Baccalauréat" or the "International baccalaureate"/ International High School Degree (or its equivalent) is highly recommended.

  1. It must be emphasised that a variety of skills and personal qualities are required to succeed in this course:  an ability to work independently, good team spirit, a sense of responsibilities, and motivation to work hard (60 hours a week)
  2. A C1 Level in French is necessary to apply for this course as most of the exams must be written in French (Law, History, Economy...)

Application for 1st Year/L1

Online through the Parcoursup website.

Deadline:  29th March 2022

Application to join the course directly in 2d year

Applications must be made through the SURF website.

For more details, please contact the secretary's office :

Deadline for sending application forms : from 25th April to 5th June 2022

Mis à jour le 14 October 2022.